#SemiyaKesari#VermecilliSheeraRecipe#SweetVermecilliSheera Ingredients: சேமியா/ vermicelli- 1 cup சர்க்கரை / sugar - 1.25 cup தண்ணீர் / water- 2.50 cup ஏலக்காய் / Cardamom- 6 to 7 கேசரி கலர் / orange color- little முந்திரிப்பருப்பு/ Cashews- 7 உலர்ந்த திராட்சை / kismis- 10 பாதாம் slices/ Badam slices- little (optional) நெய் / ghee- 8 tsps Method: Fry cashews, kismis & badam sliced in 2 tsp of ghee. Fry vermicelli to light golden color in medium flame in the same ghee. Add boiled water to vermicelli to cook nicely. After cooking the vermicelli nicely add sugar to that & mix nicely. ( sugar should not be added before the vermicelli becomes soft, it should be cooked nicely) ( sugar quantity can be taken according to taste, even 1 cup will be ok) Add orange color, cardamom & ghee to that and mix nicely. After 2 to 3 minutes our sweet Kesari will be ready and leaves the sides. Then again add little ghee and fried cashews & kismis to that. Decorate with more cashews on top and serve. ( when it is hot it will be watery, once if it gets cooled it will be in nice consistency) Enjoy Ranjis flavours!
Friday, February 7, 2020
சேமியா கேசரி/ vermicelli sheera/ Sevai Sheera/ vermicelli Sweet Sheera receipe
#SemiyaKesari#VermecilliSheeraRecipe#SweetVermecilliSheera Ingredients: சேமியா/ vermicelli- 1 cup சர்க்கரை / sugar - 1.25 cup தண்ணீர் / water- 2.50 cup ஏலக்காய் / Cardamom- 6 to 7 கேசரி கலர் / orange color- little முந்திரிப்பருப்பு/ Cashews- 7 உலர்ந்த திராட்சை / kismis- 10 பாதாம் slices/ Badam slices- little (optional) நெய் / ghee- 8 tsps Method: Fry cashews, kismis & badam sliced in 2 tsp of ghee. Fry vermicelli to light golden color in medium flame in the same ghee. Add boiled water to vermicelli to cook nicely. After cooking the vermicelli nicely add sugar to that & mix nicely. ( sugar should not be added before the vermicelli becomes soft, it should be cooked nicely) ( sugar quantity can be taken according to taste, even 1 cup will be ok) Add orange color, cardamom & ghee to that and mix nicely. After 2 to 3 minutes our sweet Kesari will be ready and leaves the sides. Then again add little ghee and fried cashews & kismis to that. Decorate with more cashews on top and serve. ( when it is hot it will be watery, once if it gets cooled it will be in nice consistency) Enjoy Ranjis flavours!
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